Sunday, December 13, 2009

MP upload 4

Illustrated guide to my Major project panels-

A basic timeline of New Zealand's natural history and the consequent destruction of a lot of it through acclimatization by man.

double sided prints on fabriano paper tied with twine

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

barkscapes at Daf 106

Landscapes of wellington and an ode to the Kauri.
Painted with gouache on kauri bark i found up north.

kauri bark is actually quite choice to paint on :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

MP upload 3 - sketchies

more workbook sketchies

some NZ pests (Note, cow is not a pest..)

Pigs, horrible bastards.

MP upload 2 - sketchies

Time to upload some of these Major Project sketches

'Modern Toa' - sketches referenced from NZ Maori and All Black Haka's

MP upload 1 -forests

Quick watercolour sketches of Podocarp and Beech forests - Exercises in understanding the layout of native NZ forests

podocarp - mainly comprised of kauri, matai, rimu, kahikatea, miro, totara

there are 5 types of beech in New Zealand forests and Beech comprise the largest forest tracts, mainly because of the fact it hasn't been logged as much.

Rata - possibly NZ's coolest and most important tree, loved by people and birds alike. Moa's used to frequent its hollow stumps

nz rivers

trickles and some shrooms